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更新时间:2025-01-30 08:14:00
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全世界国际物流公司 DHL 和 Trees For Houston 一直在努力使得克萨斯州休斯敦地域更为翠绿色。在地球日以前,近 45 名 DHL Supply Chain 职工根据捐助和自行植树造林来感恩回馈小区,以推动更加健康、更环保的群体。

DHL Supply Chain 向 Trees For Houston 捐赠了 10,958 美金,用于购买 36 棵 15 加仑原生态树和 20 棵 5 加仑水果树成本,及其2年的树木日常维护浇灌花费。DHL 志愿者和同学们在 Sinclair 中小学植树造林。辛克莱中小学周边地区遭受飓风哈维的重挫。挑选这个学校是因为其目前的树木和校内的学生们遮阴。水果树将会成为供学生及教职工享受的种植园。



“在 DHL,企业社会责任就是我们发展战略不可或缺的一部分,是由大家联接大家和改变现状的关键目标驱动的,”DHL 供应链管理美洲地区区人力资源管理**副总裁 Tim Sprosty 说。“对我们的职工而言,有着这种机遇来协助改进大家生活与工作的群体并与其取得联系至关重要。我们自己的志愿者工作针对为他们的职工营造良好的工作文化与环境也非常重要。做为该国的顾主之一,及其休斯敦区域的顾主,大家无比自豪可以支持这一勤奋。”


“休斯敦花草树木基本上在全部大休斯敦地域造成很大影响。大家每一年栽种 20,000 棵树,并感激 DHL Supply Chain 等合伙人的冠名赞助,使我们可以这么做。通过我们种植和维护保养2年的形式,我们所有树木的存活率达到了 95%。我们能确保这种花草树木都可以生存下来,并且在辛克莱中小学产生不利影响,”休斯敦花草树木部开发总监 Randi Koenig 说。

DHL Supply Chain 在得克萨斯州大休斯敦区域的勤奋则是 2019 年于美洲地区好几个大城市地域植树节活动的一部分。到 4 月底,DHL Supply Chain 以及合作方将到当地植树造林机构捐助 50,000 美金,为该地给予近 9,000 棵花草树木。已经计划今年秋天举行别的主题活动。除了这个当地勤奋及其作为每一年栽种 100 万棵树目标的一部分,德国邮政敦豪集团将利用其全球合作伙伴关联在美洲地区捐助 570,000 棵树。


Trees are crucial to every city’s infrastructure. Planting trees can improve air quality, save on energy costs, improve property values, reduce water pollution and lower water treatment costs as well as support local wildlife and the mental and physical health of the people living within the community.

“Trees For Houston makes a large impact throughout the greater Houston region annually. We plant 20,000 trees per year and are grateful to partners, like DHL Supply Chain for their sponsorships that enable us to do so. We also have a 95% survival rate for all of our trees with the way we plant and maintain for two years. We can ensure all of these trees will survive and make a significant impact at Sinclair Elementary School,” said Randi Koenig, senior development director, Trees for Houston.

The DHL Supply Chain’s effort in the greater Houston, Texas, area is part of its 2019 tree planting activities in several metropolitan areas where it operates throughout the Americas. By the end of April, DHL Supply Chain and its associates will have donated $50,000 to local tree planting organizations, providing nearly 9,000 trees in the region. Additional events are being planned for this fall. Besides these local efforts and as part of its goal to plant a million trees each year, Deutsche Post DHL Group will be donating 570,000 trees in the Americas region through its global partnerships.

67.jpgDHL, the world’s largest logistics company, and Trees For Houston are working to make Houston, Texas, area more green. Today, ahead of Earth Day, nearly 45 DHL Supply Chain employees gave back to their community by donating and volunteering to plant trees in support of a healthier and greener community.

DHL Supply Chain presented a donation of $10,958 to Trees For Houston, covering the cost of 36, 15-gallon native trees and 20, 5-gallon fruit trees, as well as the maintenance and watering of the trees for two years. DHL volunteers as well as students planted the trees at Sinclair Elementary School. Sinclair Elementary School and the surrounding area was hit hard by Hurricane Harvey. This school was chosen because of its of existing trees and shade cover for students on its campus. The fruit trees will be an orchard for students and faculty to enjoy.

The trees will act as sound walls, water and air filters, shade structures and beautify the school campus. The donation was raised through employee fundraising efforts and a company match in an effort to support urban forestry, help mitigate climate change and help educate students about the importance of protecting our environement.

“At DHL, corporate responsibility is integral to our strategy and is driven by our core purpose of connecting people and improving lives,” said Tim Sprosty, SVP HR, DHL Supply Chain Americas. “It is important for our associates to have these opportunities to help improve and connect with the communities in which we live and work. Our volunteer efforts are also vital to creating a great work culture and environment for our associates. As one of the top employers in the country, and a leading employer in the Houston area, we are proud to support this effort.”



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