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更新时间:2025-01-30 08:14:00
运输方式:国际快递 空运 海运专线
联系手机: 18225846210

泗阳县DHL国际快运 宿迁市DHL国际快运 泗阳县DHL物流公司 泗阳县DHL快递电话 泗阳县DHL国际快运,DHL Supply Chain 是美洲地区合同物流领域内的,归属于德国邮政 DHL 集团公司,与俄亥俄州立大学协作在 Schottenstein 核心周边种植了 30 棵树。DHL Supply Chain 为购买或照料 30 棵新树做出贡献,可以帮助适用麦哲伦区域的大城市林果业。DHL Supply Chain 更为俄亥俄州立大学选购并捐赠了 1,000 吨碳授信额度,为高校自已的碳中和总体目标作出贡献。俄亥俄州立大学通过投资额外 1,000 吨碳信用额来配对 DHL 的捐助。

一个碳信用相当于从空气中的清除一公吨 CO 2。DHL 和俄亥俄州立大学选购的 30 棵新栽种的树木和积分兑换下降的温室气体的排放量等同于使 400 辆汽车在一年内不会再上道。俄亥俄州立大学将使用这个积分兑换来相抵高校本年度温室气体的排放量一部分,比如来源于其运输车队的消耗量。这个计划由坐落于密苏里州的 Urban Offsets 促进。


“我们跟俄亥俄州立大学协作很多年,大家从他们的项目中征募了关键的专业人才。这一新服务承诺以在校内一起植树造林,帮我们在社区街道环境里充分发挥,”DHL 北美地区供应链运营官 Val Hoge 说。“植树造林是建立在我们公司的 GoGreen 重任以上,即达 2050 年每一年栽种 100 万棵树。在此过程中,大家提升了对气候问题的认知,并且为供应链专家和学生提供了关联的机遇。”

DHL Supply Chain 与俄亥俄州立大学拥有长期性合作关系,DHL 给予见习、讲座专题讲座、教授课程、为他们提供本地设施设备当场参观考察,并且在俄亥俄州立大学的供应链中心股东会中占有2个名额。自 2015 年秋季至今,DHL Supply Chain 已请来了 79 名见习生和 78 名全职的俄亥俄州立大学学生们做为全职的职工。

此次植树节活动为俄亥俄州立大学费舍尔国际商学院和营销中心 (COE) 的学生们提供了一个掌握 DHL 的其他信息并和 DHL Supply Chain 管理层与员工交流的机遇。

直播盒子能源与环境办公厅主任觊特·米尔 (Kate Bartter) 说:“此次活动是一种公司战略伙伴关系,使我们学生及更多的直播盒子小区都获益。” “我们很高兴与 DHL Supply Chain 和 Urban Offsets 协作,进一步适用大学时光可持续发展目标,尤其是提升大家校园内土地生态体系使用价值,这有助于降低我们自己的碳排放量。”

Urban Offsets 帮助商家和大学在地区方面实行其可持续发展观重任。Urban Offsets 的执政官兼创办人 Shawn Gagné 说:“在校大学生希望在使他的小区更为可持续性层面充分发挥。” “积极与俄亥俄州立大学的学生们一起植树造林并相抵俄亥俄州立大学排放,DHL Supply Chain 和俄亥俄州立大学已经提倡这样一种创新发展模式。”

DHL Supply Chain, the Americas’ leader in contract logistics and part of Deutsche Post DHL Group, and The Ohio State University partnered to plant 30 trees near the Schottenstein Center. DHL Supply Chain made a contribution to purchase and care for 30 new trees to help support urban forestry in the Columbus area. DHL Supply Chain also purchased and donated 1,000 tonnes of carbon credits for Ohio State to contribute to the university’s own carbon reduction goals. Ohio State matched DHL’s donation by purchasing an additional 1,000 tonnes of carbon credits.

This tree planting provides an opportunity for students from Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business and the Center of Operational Excellence (COE) to learn more about DHL and interact with DHL Supply Chain executives and associates.


A single carbon credit is equal to one metric ton of CO2 removed from the air. The 30 newly planted trees and credits purchased by DHL and Ohio State reduce greenhouse gases equivalent to taking 400 passenger vehicles off the road for one year. Ohio State will use these credits to offset a portion of the University’s annual greenhouse gas emissions, such as those from its own transport fleet. The program is being facilitated by North Carolina-based Urban Offsets.

“We have collaborated with Ohio State for years as we recruit significant talent from their programs. This new commitment helps us both make a difference in the community and the environment by planting trees together on campus,” said Val Hoge, COO, DHL Supply Chain North America. “The tree planting builds on our company’s GoGreen mission of planting a million trees each year by the year 2050. In the process, we generate awareness of climate change and give supply chain experts and students an opportunity to connect.”

DHL Supply Chain and Ohio State have a long-standing relationship where DHL provides internships, guest lectures, teaches courses, offers students site tours of local facilities and fills two seats on Ohio State’s supply chain Center of Excellence board. Since the Fall of 2015, DHL Supply Chain has hired 79 interns and 78 full-time Ohio State students as full-time employees.



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