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更新时间:2025-01-17 08:14:00
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黄冈市DHL国际快运 团风县DHL国际快运 红安县DHL国际快运 团风DHL快递公司,全世界的国际快运经销商 DHL Express 被选为 100 家比较适合工作中的企业®在国外由 Great Place to Work® 和 Fortune 给予。虽然连续四年被验证为“办公场所”,但是这是 DHL Express 国外机构当选这一享有盛名名单,在今年的位列第57位。奖根据对国外超出 50 万多名现有员工调查分析回复信息剖析

“自全球大流行至今,我们一直在调节我们自己的经营,根据为解决家中与健康问题的人给予稳定性和放心,执行新的工作状态来保护我们的职工,”DHL Express 国外执政官 Greg Hewitt 说。“这一认同验证了我们不断努力创造一种以尊重与成效为核心的对外开放、宽容的文化艺术,我们很骄傲可以在大家机构的每个方面营造一种可以听到每个员工响声的气氛。”


DHL Express 发展战略是建立在四个关键发展战略支撑以上——个是“奋发向上的人”。为推进这一目标,一直致力于参加、提高与支持一个安全自然环境,以限度地提高生产效率。在 COVID-19 暴发期内,DHL 向其办公室员工转为远程设置。还要照顾一线员工,企业通过给予口罩和手套等个人防护用品并执行一个新的检测标准来保证安全。

DHL 仍在 2020 年 6 月上线了迄今为止的个虚似职工感激周——替代了其本年度互动活动,将 DHL 街道的每一个人聚集在一起。每日都是不同的在线活动,包含互动交流大会、适合工作/适宜日常生活控制模块,及其有趣的音乐和跳舞庆祝会。除此之外,企业的一季度/本年度职工方案再次嘉奖**的团队人员以及对企业的造就。

司是 Great Place to Work-Certified? 机构的时候才会被考虑到。

Great Place to Work 是英国一个依据职工所受到的平等对待来评比得奖者的企业文化奖。企业标准是她们造就员工体验能力怎样,跨越种族、胎儿性别、年纪、残废情况或职工真实身份或人物的一切层面。


比较适合工作中的企业。Great Place to Work 执政官麦克尔 C 布什说:“在艰难的一年里,这种企业因在关怀员工、用户和我们的社会层面所做出的勇敢勤奋而出类拔萃。” “值得关注的是,大家的研究表明,上年这种办公场所的员工体验评分大体上有所增加——这验证了她们宽容、相对高度信赖的传统文化的延展性。”

DHL Express, the world’s leading international express provider, has been named as one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For® in the U.S. by Great Place to Work® and Fortune. Although certified as a Great Place to Work for four consecutive years, this is the first time the DHL Express U.S. organization has been named to this prestigious list, this year coming in at 57th place. The Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® award is based on analysis of survey responses from over a half a million current employees across the U.S.

“Since the global pandemic, we have continued to adapt our operations, implementing new ways of working to protect our people by providing flexibility and peace of mind for those dealing with family and health concerns,” said DHL Express U.S. CEO Greg Hewitt. “This recognition validates our continued efforts to create an open, inclusive culture built on respect and results, and we are exceptionally proud to create an atmosphere in which every employee’s voice is heard, at all levels of our organization.”

The DHL Express strategy is built on four key strategic pillars – the first being “motivated people.” To achieve this, the company is committed to engaging, empowering and supporting a safe environment that maximizes productivity. During the COVID-19 outbreak, DHL pivoted to a remote setup for its office staff. To care for its frontline employees, the company ensured safety by proving PPE such as masks and gloves and implementing new safety standards.

DHL also launched its first-ever virtual Employee Appreciation Week in June 2020 – replacing its annual in-person events to bring everyone together from the DHL community. Each day featured a different online event, including interactive sessions, Fit for Work / Fit for Life modules, and fun celebrations with music and dancing. In addition, the company’s Employee of the Quarter / Year program continues to recognize outstanding team members and their accomplishments to the company.

The Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® is highly competitive. Great Place to Work, the global authority on workplace culture, selected the list using rigorous analytics and confidential employee feedback. 



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