全国服务热线 18225846210

枣强县DHL国际快递 阜城县DHL快递电话 衡水阜城国际物流

更新时间:2025-01-29 08:14:00
运输渠道:国际空运 海运 陆运 国际专线
邮寄种类:各种普货 食品 药品 化妆品 电子产品等邮寄
联系手机: 18225846210

枣强县DHL国际快递 阜城县DHL国际快递 枣强DHL快递电话 阜城DHL国际快递网点 全球的国际快递运输服务提供商 DHL 已搬迁至新的的 48,667 平方英尺。巴尔的摩服务中心,可为本地客户提供更高的货件处理能力和更快的交付服务。

  该设施的面积几乎是之前地点的三倍,并于 9 月全面投入运营。它设有额外的行政办公室和更大的仓库,可以处理由于跨境贸易增加而产生的大量进出境国际货运。

  DHL Express 美国东北部总经理劳里斯·班克罗夫特 (Laurice Bancroft) 表示:“我们决定搬到更大的设施是因为过去五年我们在美国主要市场经历了两位数的增长。“由于更高效的包裹处理,这个新设施将使我们能够提供更早的交付时间,并确保 DHL 客户通过我们的额外路线和创新技术系统获得质量的服务。”

  DHL 与新服务中心签订了为期七年的租约,该服务中心配备齐全,可立即提高生产力,使航运供应商能够将航线增加 50% 以上,每小时处理 3,000 多件货件。这是通过使用的传送带分拣系统来实现的,该系统具有双视图 X 射线包裹检查功能,以确保安全和安保,以及图像捕获技术和自动条码分拣功能。



  位于巴尔的摩的 DHL 服务中心目前拥有 60 名员工,其中包括自该设施于 9 月开始运营以来的 12 名新员工。

  由于国际电子商务和全球贸易的持续爆炸性增长,DHL 不得不搬迁到美国各城市的更大设施——巴尔的摩是这一趋势的例子。

  新的服务中心位于 1328 Charwood Road, Ste。100,汉诺威,马里兰州。

  DHL, the world’s leading provider of international express shipping services, has relocated to a new state-of-the-art 48,667 sq.-ft. Baltimore service center that enables increased shipment processing capacity and faster delivery service for local customers.

  Nearly three times the size of the previous location, this facility became fully operational in September. It features additional administrative offices and a larger warehouse that can handle the higher volumes of both inbound and outbound international shipments being generated as a result of increasing cross-border trade.

  “Our decision to move to a much larger facility results from the double-digit growth we’ve experienced over the last five years in major U.S. markets,” said Laurice Bancroft, General Manager of the Northeast U.S. for DHL Express. “This new facility will allow us to provide even earlier delivery times, due to more efficient parcel processing, and ensure that DHL customers are receiving the highest quality of service through our additional routes and innovative technology systems.”

  DHL signed a seven-year lease on the new service center, which is equipped to immediately boost productivity, enabling the shipping provider to increase routes by over 50% and process more than 3,000 shipments per hour. This is accomplished through the use of a cutting-edge conveyor sorting system that features dual-view X-ray package screening for safety and security, as well as image-capture technology and automated bar-code sorting functionality.



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