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内丘县DHL国际快递 邢台广宗县DHL快递电话 广宗国际快递

邢台内丘县DHL国际快运 邢台广宗县DHL快递电话 广宗国际快运 合同书物流配送服务的国际市场 DHL Supply Chain 发布它的博客综艺节目All Business。没有界限。从曲奇饼干到职业类型:清除下一代供应链管理**人才的边界。都可以找到两个部分博客的那一部分这儿 从今天起。

该博客深入分析了直播盒子中心地段女童子军本年度曲奇饼干方案的计划与执行,这个计划涉及到全年度计划和发展战略,*后以每一年 2 月的供应链管理式“曲奇饼干推广”(称之为大中型交货)达到高点,其中还有数十万的曲奇饼干送往直播盒子中间,由各地女童子军派发。

“10 多年以来,我们一直在进行交货,”直播盒子中心地段联合会女童子军商品工程项目经理洁西卡·乔治说。“因而,多年的不断实验协助我们来到了一个了不起的地区,并且在交付工作层面取得了显著进度。”

该博客还揭露了供应链运营等领域的机遇,意识到吸引女性探寻传统上由男士人力资本主导机遇从来不会过早。近期的数据表明,供应链管理人力资本中女生占比不上 40%,仅有 11% 出任管理层职位。

DHL 供应链管理人力资源管理副总裁 Tim Sprosty 表明:“从历史上看,我们的使命是将大家结合起来并改变现状。“我们跟女童子军的协作使我们更进一步,尝试传递这样一个信息内容,即物流行业是女人提高个人职业生涯好去处。”


“非常期待继续与 DHL 之间的关系,不单是青年志愿者机遇,其实是为了协助展现物流行业职业发展前景,使我们女孩子们能够为以后思考这个问题,”总裁兼执政官塔米沃顿说,直播盒子中心地段委员会女童子军。“除开专家教授专业技能以外,还旨在为管路、将来的人力资本管路给予支持。”

It is that time of the year, an annual tradition when millions of Girl Scouts cookie favorites are delivered across the country to eager customers – a $900 million program delivering 200 million packages of delicious treats while teaching business skills to generations of Girl Scouts!

Coinciding with the arrival of Thin Mints, Tagalongs, and Samoas, DHL Supply Chain, the global market leader for contract logistics solutions, released its latest podcast episodes, All Business. No Boundaries. From Cookies to Careers: Removing Boundaries for the Next Generation of Supply Chain Talent. Part one of the two-part podcast can be found here beginning today.

The podcast dives into the planning and execution of the Girl Scouts of Ohio Heartland’s annual cookie program which involves year-round planning and strategy culminating with a supply chain-like “cookie drop” each February – called the mega-delivery – where hundreds of thousands of cookies are delivered to central Ohio for distribution by local Girl Scouts.

“We’ve been doing the mega-delivery for 10 plus years,” said Jessica Martin, Product Program Manager, Girl Scouts of Ohio Heartland Council. “So a number of years of trial and error have helped us to come and finally get to a great place and great flow with how delivery works.”


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