十堰DHL快递电话 专注十堰国际快递出口运输 国际进口DHL
DHL Freight 是欧洲的公路运输服务提供商之一,今天在朗根哈根的机场商业园正式开设了其的货运枢纽。目前约有 290 名员工正在新码头调度和整合货物。DHL 还在的转运设施中试用创新技术,以将自己定位为长期的市场和创新。随着汉诺威-朗根哈根的新址,DHL Freight 正在投资其现有的由 200 多个终端组成的欧洲网络。
DHL Freight 执行官 Uwe Brinks 表示:“新汉诺威-朗根哈根货运站的开通为欧洲陆路运输增添了另一个重要枢纽。“便利的地理位置和创新技术的结合使这个面向未来的新货运转运中心成为我们网络中的重要增长动力。”
8,700 平方米的转运码头拥有超过 86 个装卸区,可处理欧洲范围内的一体化拼箱服务“Euroconnect”和“Eurapid”限日拼箱服务的货运。大约 290 名员工包括一个专家团队,他们为“Euronet”整车装载 (FTL) 服务提供定制的物流解决方案和运输管理,为国内和国际客户提供帮助。
为了进一步巩固其作为道路运输市场和创新的地位,“未来码头”的新技术正在新货运中心进行试验和部署。例如,在堆场物流领域,DHL Freight 已经在测试一种电动操纵助手,该助手使用增强现实和自动转向在现场独立操纵和交换车身。StreetScooter 与特种车辆制造商 KAMAG 合作开发的技术促进了平稳运行。辅助操纵的显着潜力在于提高过程可靠性、减少材料磨损以及简化驾驶员的工作场所。
正在新 DHL Freight 码头测试的另一项创新是自动重量、体积和货运数据记录设备。借助不同技术的组合,所有与运输相关的数据都在几秒钟内以数字方式传输到运输管理系统。零担货物主要仍是人工记录。该过程的部分自动化提高了效率和速度。准确记录货运尺寸对于优化装载策略和正确向客户收费至关重要。
DHL Freight, one of the leading providers of road transport services in Europe, officially opened its newest freight hub in the Airport Business Park in Langenhagen today. Around 290 employees are currently dispatching and consolidating freight at the new terminal. DHL is also trialing innovative technologies at the state-of-the-art transshipment facility to position itself as a market and innovation leader in the long term. With the new location in Hanover-Langenhagen, DHL Freight is investing in its existing European network of over 200 terminals.
“The opening of the new Hanover-Langenhagen freight terminal adds another important hub in European overland transport,” said Uwe Brinks, CEO DHL Freight. “The combination of a convenient location and innovative technologies makes this new future-oriented freight transshipment center an important growth driver within our network.”
The 8,700 m2 transshipment terminal houses more than 86 loading bays, where freight for both the Europe-wide all-in-one groupage service “Euroconnect” and the “Eurapid” premium day-definite groupage service is handled. The approximately 290 employees include a team of experts who assist national and international customers with customized logistics solutions and transport management for the “Euronet” full truck load (FTL) service.
To further strengthen its position as a road transport market and innovation leader, new technologies for the “Terminal for the Future” are being trialed and deployed at the new freight center. In the field of yard logistics, for example, DHL Freight is already testing an electric maneuvering assistant that uses augmented reality and automated steering to independently maneuver and swap bodies at the site. The technology developed by StreetScooter in cooperation with special vehicle manufacturer KAMAG facilitates smooth operations. Assisted maneuvering’s remarkable potential lies in increased process reliability, reduced material wear, and a simplified workplace for drivers.
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